Last Sunday was busy...we forgot to have the Veterans stand. I noticed, probobally because I am one. My service to my country is important to me. As a young man (not that I'm an old man now), I was disappointed for never having seen combat. So much training - for nothing. Great training: Airborn Infantry, Long Range Recon, Scuba, Rifles and Pistols and Demo - Oh my! For goodness sakes, I killed and ate a rattlesnake and an armadillo with my bare hands and a little help from my USMC Ka-Bar knife (who says Marine's are worthless?).
Today I feel a little differently. I feel blessed to never have had to kill. I served, and I'm blessed! God is so good. I'm sure there will be much more on my service as time passes. But what I really want to say is, there's a guy named Bob. He's 84, and he's cool! I don't really know Bob - actually I don't know him at all. But from back in my soundbooth this morning I was able to record him playing his harmonica.
Blessed Assurance. They asked the Veterans to stand, they did, but Bob didn't sit. "My name's Bob," he said. "I'm 84 years old and I served in WWII. I'd like to play something for you..." And he did, and it was good. Very cool! I won't get started about patriotism, or the flag, or the war in Iraq. But I will say I'm proud of Bob, and guys like him. As Ray Boltz says, "It's (been) an honor to serve."
I'm not done with forgiveness...but that's another day.