Friday, November 17, 2006

What I do...

Someone recently asked me, "Just what is it that you do?" I build I said...paused...and a lot more than that. Contracts and contractors and architects. Faculty groups. Playing nice in the sandbox kind of stuff sometimes. So much wading through the quagmire of building on a small liberal arts campus. And sometimes I do things that are really special.

A woman cherished by our campus community died recently. Somehow it fell to my desk to purchase and plant a tree in her memory. Simple right? Plant the tree. Leave. No big deal. But instead I took a moment and met with the husband... "she was vibrant - the tree has to reflect that." The sunset maple was too red, the bradford pear too delicate, but the sugar maple. The sugar maple would be perfect. Red and orange and yellow, blazing in the fall, different with each season. Vibrant and colorful, just like her. Yesterday I made it just a little easier for a wonderful man to deal with the loss of his bride. I wished I could have done more. Somedays thats what I do...


Shane Deal said...

Good thoughts there.

Wingman said...

Awesome !!!
Nice job..Congrats.

I think the "What I do" should be, a weekly feature.