Friday, July 20, 2007

Sai (sigh)

I arrived at the street my office is on two days ago, it was early and the intersection was covered with emergency vehicals. I drove through instead of trying to turn, noticing a tractor trailer near the intersection. As I passed the soccer field, I noted a fire truck and a helecopter flying out quickly. I assumed the chopper was a news craft. "There was an accident," she said. I thought just a little about it, but mostly about how I would get to work. "It was one of our housekeepers. Sai." I felt a little numb as my mind raced back to the size of the truck and the load it was carrying on the downhill. "Mercy Flight's been called." The helecoptor suddenly clicked. Mechanically I asked, 'how is she.' It was a stupid question.

The morning was busy despite the tragedy, but by 11 things settled enough. I wrote a letter to our churches prayer chain, and then prayed earnest. Small tears came. They surprised me as I pondered how someone I don't know that well, but see everyday, could have such a profound effect on my life in that moment. She was one of us. Unfortunately "was" is the right term. This afternoon the husband finally released what we all knew in our hearts...she had passed from this life. When I arrived home, I gathered my precious girls. Just held them for a moment. And then we prayed. For healing. For wisdom for the doctors. And that in some small ways God's will and glory might be revealed in this tragedy.

Life is so fragile...


5 Johnson Kids said...

mind adding another faceless person to your prayer chain? my good friend and clinical supervisor was just diagnosed with cancer in both breasts, lymph nodes, and her liver. She's a warrior for truth, marriages, and the overlooked. Her name is Joan.

Chris said...

Of course.