Friday, February 2, 2007

Hot Babe

Kids say the dandest things don't they. Mine are no exception. I call my wife Bugg...she likes it - don't harrass me. So we got into a discussion of nicknames with our "church" friends (actually 99% of our friends are "church friends"). So there we are in this conservativish group and someone asks my daughters, "so, does your daddy have any special names for your mommy?" She was expecting bugg. But no...not out of the mouths of my babes... HOT BABE they all explain in fits of laughter. No one knows quite what to do or say. They're not even really sure they now want to look at my wife. My face is red, and I'm about to bride is about to climb behind a pew ralphing (not an acronym). When the mood lightened and all the red faces mellowed back to a lighter shade of pale, we all had a really good laugh. The men all high fived me, and the women all empathized with my wife. The end.

OK, but really, she is a hot babe. My wife still turns heads. She definitely turns mine. And she's precious and dear and wonderful. As beautiful as she is, her love for our Lord is what truly shines in Stacy. I'm blessed. All my friends know it...or else they wouldn't keep asking her, "How'd you get stuck with him?!"

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