Sunday, June 14, 2009

Got the shoes... or Some Dads just get it - Part 3

I know the drill...find a picture. Write something that's hopefully meaningful. Post it on my blog... I would, but I don't have a picture - just a verbal account. As men societaly, were often distant from our families. Wrapped up in work, or football, or anything but our kids and our families. But not all of us.

My friend gets it. And he's got the t-shirt to prove it. He's got girls, and they dance. The girls dance, the dads hang out and act cool while waiting to pick them up. At least that's how it was. this year my friend talked the dads into doing a know, a routine...the dad's got up on the stage and performed for the girls. Choriography, costumes, practices and actual rythm (I'd of failed miserably!). Businessmen, engineers, truck drivers maybe - I don't know. What matters is they got up there and got involved in the lives of their kids...their daughters. Sons are easy (I think - I don't have any). But girls are wired differently. Girls take some figuring out. They're meant to be cherished and pursued and a little wrestling never hurts ;-). So if you ever run into a guy with a shirt on that reads, "Been there, done the shoes" get a visual of him in costume with ballet slippers (tutu optional!), and then pat him on the back and say, 'nice job!'

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