Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Giver

The cover is worn and slightly ripped. The Newbery Award sticker has seen better days. But isn't this what great books are supposed to look like.

"Sir?" Jonas said shyly.

"Yes? Do you have a question?"

"It's just that I don't know your name. I thought you were The Receiver, but you say that now I'm the Receiver. So I don't know what to call you."

The man had sat back down in the comfortable upholstered chair. He moved his shoulders around as if to ease away an aching sensation. He seemed terribly weary. "Call me the Giver..."

I've read The Giver a number of times now, and it gets better with each reading. The best times are when my bride reads it aloud to me...or to us. Today we all took turns reading to each other this provocative book about society and sameness and the the terribleness of conformity taken too far. Like Atlas Shrugged, but so much better. I hope you read it, or better yet, I hope you can find someone like my bride to read it to you!

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