Friday, June 27, 2008

A book?

Some day I'm going to write a book. It will probobally only be of interest to a couple dozen people, half of those I'm related to ; ) But it will be important to me...and to those people. I'll title it, The men in my life. Don't get it wrong - I'm not referring to anything homosexual - not that there's anything wrong with that (thank you Jerry Seinfeld). I'm thinking more along the lines of Proverbs 27:17 "as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." As men, we need others to rely on, to strengthen and to gain strength from. Men to mentor, and men to mentor us. I've been blessed with those men, and someday I'd love to tell their stories. Some of those men have been with me for a lifetime...thanks Dad. Others, only days...thanks Kermet Remele. Others have remained for precisely the amount of time God has wanted them to. Thanks Gary and Chuck and Gene and Chip and Shane and... If you don't understand, you're missing out. And if you do understand, but don't open up to the "men in your life," you're worse than missing out. I know, I'm rambling!

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